Sunday, February 1, 2009

Trailer Park: 2-1-09: Superbowl Edition

Every now and again I'll round up a few new trailers for upcoming movies and judge them harshly at face value completely unobjectively. In this instance, a few TV spots aired during the Superbowl.

G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra

So we have a sexy leather-clad Sienna Miller who looks to be playing the Baroness character, moss destroying the Eifell Tower, bounding/leaping super-soldiers, and ninjas. Did someone steal my list of ingredients for the perfect kick-ass movie?

To be serious, the movie looks about as over-the-top as I expected. Why practically every character in the movie seems to have a leather body-suit fetish, I don't know but that's niether here nor there. Stephen Sommers does goofy action well (see the Mummy movies) and this movie looks plenty goofy. Could be just the popcorn action flick we need this summer.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

Looks like Micheal Bay is ready to deliver another hour and a half of noise, with this sequel to his 2007 piece of crap. I'm sorry but aside from how great the FX were, the first Transformers was embarassing. One good thing that I can judge from this trailer is that Bay has finally learned the glory of the steady-cam instead of tying a camera to the end of a rope and swinging it around and around while trying to film something. Also it has Megan Fox, which is automatic points.

Land of the Lost

It looks like Will Ferrel has dumped the goofy man-child character schtik and went for a basic comedic/action role. The movie looks harmless and in the range of something like the recent Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film, which I really enjoyed despite the negative concensus. The FX do look a little tacky though especially that last shot with the T-Rex behind Ferrell. Here's hoping they clean it up a little.

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