Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trailer Park: 2-14-09

Inglorious Basterds

HELL YES!!! It is about damn time this film got on track. I've been eagerly anticipating this film ever since Quentin Tarantino mentioned the idea of it who knows how many years ago. This looks to be the type of war film we've never seen before. Exploitive, brutal, possibly chock full with classic Tarantino dark humor. Brad Pitt looks damn perfect for the lead role and that last line, "and I want my scalps." makes me giggle like a little girl. I'm lovin what I'm seeing so far.

The Taking of Pelham 123

I will say one thing, John Travolta looks mean a hell in this movie. Overall it looks like a fairly generic action/thriller from Tony Scott. But Tony Scott does those pretty well so I'll have faith in this one, especially with Denzel on the lead. Man on Fire is one of my favorite movies so automatic points for including him in another film. Travolta seems to have found a part that finally suits him well, though the whole negotiation over the radio schtik is a little played out.

Dragonball: Evolution

If there is one genre that no live film adaptation should ever touch, it's anime. The shear lunacy of it should only be contained in the pages of palm-sized books in the back of your local book store or on the small screen on some low-rate cable channel. The people behind this film look like they didn't get that memo, and now we have what looks to be a very embarassing hour and a half. I weep for Chow Yun Fat, who was once my action film god, but is now reduced to this idiocy. The FX look cheap, and the "martial arts" look lazy and goofy. This film looks like shit and a half.

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