Sunday, February 1, 2009

$206 Million to make us laugh, cringe, or confused.

In a recent article ( NBC has revealed that it has brought in a record 206 million dollars in ad revenue for a three hour super bowl game. And none of that came from a government bailout surprise, surprise.

Who says our economy sucks, with marketing firms willing to throw away that much money, we have yet to see what a sucky economy looks like.

So, let's speculate as to what we'll see for that dinero:

Miller High Life: A hefty black man will yell random things at us for one second incriments.

Budweiser: Can't say for sure, but it will probably involve doing something embarassing in front of a woman, getting hit in the nuts, a totally sweet dude invention, or hell, they could swing for the fences and do one that features all of that.

Movie Spots: Slow buildup...scary music...CRASH, BOOM, KAPOW, ("run" or "we can handle this" or "aw hell no"), POW POW rock or rap music...title.

PSA's: They will tell us drugs and smoking are bad in really stupid ways that only make me want to do drugs and smoke to spite them.

Fed-EX: Funny scenarios about delivering packages, I mean like totally funny.

Pepsi: After hack celebrities get done patting themselves on the back for single-handedly getting Obama into office, they will then try to be funny all the while convincing us to drink Pepsi.


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