Wednesday, January 28, 2009

p.e.t.a. REEEALLY likes vegetables.

That's right! According to this commercial, they like vegetables so much that apparently, they want to have sex with them.

In this uber-banned commercial that was slated to play during this year's superbowl, lingere-clad beauties "go veg" with various ground-grown food items.

First, to emulate a scene from Con Air:

Define...irony. Bunch of idiots use women as pieces of meat to sell the idea that eating meat is wrong.


Second, "studies show...vegetarians have better sex"? How in the hell do you perform that kind of study, and who the hell performs that kind of study?
A "study", PETA, does not constitute Pamela Anderson coming to you and saying "Hey! I just had an all nighter with these two guys. One was a vegetarian and he was totally better the other guy."

Here's a study for you. According to Dr. Christopher Longcope of the University of Massachusets, men who do not have a regular protein intake are at risk of lowered testoterone, causing a decline in sexual function. In addition it damages bones and lowers red blood cell counts. (Source:

While PETA envisions a world where the deer and bunny rabbits frolic in the meadow, and "veg" men and women have earth-shattering sex, the reality of that world is that men will be limp puddles on the ground while women have orgies in the produce aisle.

So PETA, enjoy your "vegtiality". I on the other hand can not let your idiocy stand and must fight fire with fire. So take this...

Wow, I can't believe I got though all of this without a "vegetarians just need a little meat" joke...damn.

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